Eastbourne Youth Radio - Schedules
EYR is only made possible by the considerable support and involvement of many businesses and organisations that are detailed in the schedule listings.
Also thank you to Ditzy Media for kindly providing Social Media support and CobbPR for Hospitality Tea.
A radio show isn’t complete without its regular weather updates. EYR 2024 Weather Reports are kindly sponsored by:
Eastbourne & Lewes District CSP – 13th,
Ditzy Media – 14th,
AFH Payroll Solutions – 15th
Wednesday 13th November
Sponsored by: Brewers Decorator Centres
www.brewers.co.uk 01323 411080
EYR launches for the 24th year from studios at East Sussex College in Eastbourne. The creative media students at East Sussex College will begin this year’s broadcast with music, chat and previews of the exciting shows that we have coming up over the next 3-days. Stay tuned!
Sponsored by: Enterprise Shopping Centre
www.enterprise-centre.org 01323 639504
Welcome to the Bede's hour on Eastbourne Youth Radio sponsored by the Enterprise Shopping Centre, boldly going where no shopping centre has gone before. Coming up in our show we will celebrate the 13th November, test some of our favourite teachers' subject knowledge, listen to some great tunes and generally have fun. So, tune in to EYR and listen to us.
Supported by: The Mayor of Polegate, Cllr Dan Dunbar
www.polegatetowncouncil.gov.uk 01323 488114
At Polegate School, we love learning! Our radio show, with the support of local Mayor, Cllr Dan Dunbar, a former Polegate School pupil, is being led by representatives of Polegate Parliament our school council, who will share some inspiring pupil writing, historical facts, a musical rendition led by Polegate choir, quizzes and a joke or 2! Tune in to all of this and much more!
Sponsored by: Mears Group
www.mearsgroup.co.uk 07716 097329
Join Rob from East Sussex College as he takes you for a whistle-stop tour of the history of children’s TV.
Sponsored by: Eastbourne Borough Council (Green Hub)
www.eastbourne.gov.uk 07932 816647
The Heron Park Hour will be, with the support of our sponsor “The Green Hub”, focusing on the environment. We will be airing an interview with a representative from Eastbourne Borough Council; sharing our own promises to help change the climate; hearing updates from our eco council. The hour will also feature music linked to the theme of the environment. You can also expect lots more. Tune in and be informed and entertained by Heron Park on Eastbourne Youth Radio.
Sponsored by: The Teen Anxiety Coach
www.theteenanxietycoach.co.uk 07539 815909
The college music students wow you with a feast of live music and interviews with the bands plus Jason Langley, The Teen Anxiety Coach.
Sponsored by: Holding Space
www.holdingspace.org.uk 07922 851207
Continuing our feast of live music and interviews with the college bands.
Sponsored by: Eastbourne & Lewes District Community Safety Partnership
www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk 07939 578415
Grace, Emilka and Maggie give you the movies greatest soundtracks plus some important messages from the Community Safety Partnership and Sussex Police
Sponsored by: Recruitment South East
www.recruitmentsoutheast.co.uk 01424 830000
The popular panel-show returns kindly sponsored by Recruitment South East. Pre-recorded with a student audience, the panel features: Josh Babarinde OBE MP, Cllr Colin Belsey – Conservative Ratton Ward, Peter Lindsey – Editor, Bournefree and Peter Marchant – Executive Headteacher at The Cavendish School answer topical questions about local, national and wider issues.
Supported by: Radio DGH
www.radiodgh.com 01323 435748
Eastbourne’s hospital radio station, Radio DGH, returns to EYR for 2024 giving you an insight into hospital radio. Find out what goes on not only on air but behind the scenes too and ways which you can be involved.
Sponsored by: East Sussex College Group
www.escg.ac.uk 030 300 39300
Join the college media students of for documentaries, reports and music. Should we be scared of AI? Our fascination of vampires and how Sussex played a part in the development of the film industry will be some of the things investigated.
Sponsored by: Firebrand – Brand Design Agency
www.firebrand.co.uk 01323 430700
Continuing the student documentaries interspersed with features and musical items for your entertainment into the night
Thursday 14th November
Sponsored by: Eastbourne EBP
www.eastbourneebp.org.uk 07890 388624
Happy Thursday. More from EYR for the night owls to keep you entertained and awake!
Sponsored by: Bournefree
www.bournefreelive.co.uk 01323 430303
Counting down to the start of another day of fabulous programmes on EYR.
Supported by: Rotary Club of Eastbourne
www.eastbournerotary.org.uk 07761 816838
Can you smell the coffee – it’s nearly breakfast time with more music and feature items from the creative media students at East Sussex College.
Sponsored by: Let’s Do Business
www.ldbgroup.co.uk 0844 415 2272
The Thursday Breakfast show – join Holly, Orla and Sarah for music and news on what we have for you on EYR 87.7fm today.
Sponsored by: Edwards Vacuum
www.edwardsvacuum.com 01323 501147
‘Cinemelodies – the history of music in the movies’ with Elliot and Kieran.
Sponsored by: UpCountry Garden & Country Store
www.upcountrystorehouse.com 01323 488188
Tune in for an hour of lively entertainment and informative chatter with Stone Cross School in partnership with UpCountry Garden and County Store. Be blown away with amazing facts, learn how to cook marble cake, laugh out loud at incredible jokes and why not test your knowledge with our song quiz. Also, don’t miss out on our jobs of the future section, ideas on how to protect the environment and who’s up for a game of cricket (well learning about it)? The show is a mixed bag with so much to look forward to; be sure not to miss it!
Sponsored by: Bede’s Senior School
www.bedes.org/senior 01323 843252
Join the musicians of Bede’s Senior School for an hour of celebrating all things music! This programme will feature some of our best musicians performing live music for you. A mixture of hits, classics and even an original piece of music by one of our students will be played during our programme. If you want to find out how passionate Bede’s pupils are for their music then you definitely need to tune in!
Sponsored by: East Sussex College Group
www.escg.ac.uk 030 300 39300
Hear from industry media professionals (all EYR alumni) and how they got started plus their tips and advice for breaking into the field. The panel features: Sam Munton – finance journalist/writer/PR, Joe Miller – auto-journalist, Andie Davies – VFX Editor, Isaac Shelton – radio producer and Holly Hubble – TV production assistant.
Sponsored by: Construction Industry Training Board
www.citb.co.uk & www.goconstruct.org 07866 786591
The Turing School will be presenting an hour of music, drama, poetry, interviews and chat showcasing some of the excellent work that students have been doing so far this year. We will also be highlighting some of the community events we will be hosting this year alongside an exclusive sneak preview of this year's school production, High School Musical!
Sponsored by: Foundry Eastbourne
www.foundryuk.com 01323 408888
Join Rebecca Conroy, East Sussex College Group CEO for chat and more live music together with an update from Foundry Eastbourne who provide business facilities and support at The Beacon in town.
Sponsored by: Chalk Eastbourne, supported by Switchplane
www.switchplane.com 01323 505980
Join Donna Fielder from Chalk Eastbourne as she chats to local graphic and web designer, Heather Whitmore. Tune in to find out Heather's journey to securing her first full-time position in the digital sector with the award-winning Fountain Digital, and what advice she has for other young people interested in the creative and digital industry.
Sponsored by: Eastbourne UnLtd Chamber of Commerce
www.eastbourneunltd.co.uk 01323 641144
Continuing with the live music performances from some of the college bands.
Sponsored by: Eastbourne Homes
www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk 01323 410000
Enjoy a little bit of culture on EYR during Chloe and Elizabeth’s literary hour.
Sponsored by: Southern Water
www.southernwater.co.uk 07780 490369
Orla takes you on a journey through the history of women in Rock and hear from our friends at Southern Water about the pesky problems of ‘unflushables’!
Supported by: Eastbourne & District Samaritans
www.samaritans.org/branches/eastbourne 0330 094 5717
Tune in for Luke’s ‘Hour of Country’ together with some important wellbeing messages from Samaritans.
Sponsored by: Domino’s Pizza
www.dominos.co.uk 01323 411221
Join the college media students again for more documentaries, reports and music. Should we be scared of AI? Our fascination of vampires and how Sussex played a part in the development of the film industry will be some of the things investigated. A shout out to Domino’s Pizza for providing essential supplies to help fuel the EYR team.
Sponsored by: East Sussex College Group
www.escg.ac.uk 030 300 39300
And the show goes on! Continuing with our documentaries, reports and musical items for you into the night.
Sponsored by: Neupauer Training
www.neupauer.org 07588 751506
Are you still here? More great programmes from EYR on 87.7FM and via www.eyr.org.uk
Friday 15th November
Sponsored by: Eastbourne EBP
www.eastbourneebp.org.uk 07890 388624
Happy Friday. More from the team at EYR to help keep you entertained and awake!
Sponsored by: The Best of Eastbourne
www.thebestof.co.uk/local/eastbourne/ 07957 806577
Counting down to breakfast and the final day of student programmes on EYR 87.7fm.
Sponsored by: Jenner (Contractors) Ltd
www.jenner-group.co.uk 01303 255444
The Friday Breakfast Show – join Holly, Orla and Sarah for music and news on what we have for you during a busy programme schedule today.
Sponsored by: PRG Marketing & Communications
www.prgltd.co.uk 01323 411044
Our early morning team are guaranteed to get your Friday off to a great start. There will be a live music quiz featuring performances from our visiting band. Following this our team will indulge in the art of throat singing to see who can master this skill most effectively. Our final half hour will feature a series of challenges for our team as they face off against each other to see who emerges victorious from what promises to be a titanic battle. There's also an interview with our sponsor PRG Marketing.
Sponsored by: East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service
www.esfrs.org.uk 01323 462446
Get ready to fly to infinity and beyond with the pupils of Cavendish Primary. Our wonderful radio hosts will be sharing with you their wealth of knowledge on our solar system and everything in it! We will have a jam-packed hour of fun, facts and music as we answer questions like why does our Moon orbit the Earth? We also have the wonderful Elaine Wink joining us from Eastbourne Fire Station who will be sharing her experiences with us. So, sit back, relax and get ready to come on a journey through the galaxy with us.
Sponsored by: The Observatory Science Centre
www.the-observatory.org 01323 832731
The Haven CE Methodist School loves to sing. Tune into our programme to hear favourite songs from our school playlist, a recording from our whole school worship assembly and a live performance from the choir who are preparing for the One Voice festival of Song. Our Year 6 representatives will feedback on their visit to our kind sponsor, The Observatory Science Centre. They will also be grilling our Head Teacher on what it is like joining a church school and interviewing a special guest from the Spinnaker Trust sharing her impressions of the beating heart of the Haven.
Supported by: St Wilfrid’s Hospice
www.stwhospice.org 01323 434271
The students at East Sussex College host a special show looking into the important work undertaken by the staff at nearby St Wilfrid’s Hospice.
Sponsored by: East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
www.esht.nhs.uk 0300 131 4500
Join us again as we say thank you to our sponsors East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, who are also a partner sponsor of The BIG Futures Show 2025. Our programme team will be recounting some of their hospital experiences and be undertaking the terrifying 'spice' challenge – are the two things connected! They will also be examining the key issues of the day, such as which supermarket offers the best meal deal? There will be more updates and news about events at Cavendish and an amazing range of music hand selected by our expert DJ team.
Sponsored by: Eastbourne Borough Council
www.eastbourne.gov.uk 01323 410000
The music students from East Sussex College wow you for the final time with another feast of live music and interviews with the bands.
Sponsored by: The BIG Futures Show
www.bigfuturesshow.org.uk 07890 388624
It’s time to say goodbye! Join the college media students for one last time who look back at another great broadcast and the final shout out. First, a word or two about The BIG Futures Show taking place on 29th April 2025. Then, a huge thank you to our lead sponsor Brewers Decorator Centres and to everyone who has made EYR 2024 possible. We’ll be back on 87.7FM and www.eyr.or.uk for our 25th anniversary broadcast on 18th November 2025. Stay safe and keep well.